Due Diligence Designed for Executive Search

Due Diligence Designed for Executive SearchBaker-Eubanks provides comprehensive  background investigation & analysis for senior-level management, executive and Board placements. Our relationship can be solely with your search firm or, at your request, we can work directly with the client

In either relationship, our thoroughness protects the credibility and reputation of the search firm involved.

Since 1997, Baker-Eubanks has helped executive search firms:

  • Ensure credible recommendations
  • Protect against costly oversights & litigation
  • Focus on clients, with our no-hassle accommodating service
  • Provide evidence of comprehensive research & analysis

Dale Jones

“We must do all we can to manage risk and reduce the possibility of impropriety. It’s all about people and trust, but we must verify. That’s where Baker-Eubanks provides added value and credibility.” 

Dale Jones, Vice Chairman, Heidrick & Struggles

When recommending executive talent, small oversights can become tomorrow’s top stories. Click to read corporate case studies.

In-depth executive due diligence is a cost-effective risk management solution.

With a 25-year history of supporting executive search firms, we understand the importance of timeliness, reliability, & accommodation as search firms work to meet their clients’ needs.

No search client has ever left us – or reported relevant information missing from our Reports.

Whether your firm serves Fortune 100 corporations or emerging entrepreneurial enterprises, Baker-Eubanks offers the reliability and personalized service needed to support a quality search process.

Contact us at (866) 317-3832 or email us at inquiry@bakereubanks.com.